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Energiaültetvény bemutatók
: hívja Győri Tibort a +36-30-997-4843 számon;
Derecskén: hívja Magyari Csabát a +36-30-692-6749 számon.

Technológia leírások: Alasia New Clones nemesnyár ültetvények és GYK fehér akác ültetvények


Welcome to our website!

You are interested in renewable energy sources, biomass production and possibilities in agroenergy, you hit our homepage. If it was so, we are already have agreed in some things:

  • for sustainable development and enviroment protection we find extremely important to disperse renewable energy sources in wider range
  • it is important in decreasing our defencelessness from international trade of usual energy sources
  • in comparison of different energy sources the biggest potential is in biomass production and utilisation in Hungary
  • biomass production provides long-term market for producers in agricultural sector, it would solve more problems in production subsidiary system, as well.

On the following pages you can learn more about biomass plantations, you can have insight about most important factors of succesful management and production, you can see the whole procedure from estabilishment of plantations to the end user.

Who to address our homepage?

We tried to divide information to let different actors like biomass producers, providers and end users to see the whole picture, but in the same time to have answers on their specific questions, as well. Please, bring yourself to read it if you are:

  • running a power-plant or heating centre operated by wood, and you already have problem with quality or quantity of incoming row material, or you are fed up with unpredictable price movements of fuel
  • planning a new project based on wood-operated plant, and your bank (investor) is seeking for long-term contract of row material supply with guarranties and you actually can not have one like this
  • a farmer, agroproducer and you are not cultivate some part of the fields or the actual cultivation has low cost efficiency, and you are willing to take a part in a long-term profitability productional section
  • already a fuel(biomass) supplier, but you wish to provide better quality row material to your partners with bigger safety.


START közmunkaprogram


200 eFt/ha támogatás rövid vágásfordulójú fás szárú energiaültetvényhez 134/2007 (XI.13.) és 31/2008 (III.27.) FVM rendeletek.

71/2007 (IV.14.) kormány rendelet - a fás szárú energetikai ültetvényekről

45/2007 (VI.11.) FVM rendelet - fás szárú energetikai ültetvények szabályozása

33/2007 (IV.26.) FVM rendelet - kiegészítő támogatás energetikai ültetvényekhez


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